Monday, August 17, 2009

Postage stamps that were issued in 1909 for the coming 200th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava.

  • In 1864 each province of Russian Empire was divided into few small districts (counties). Each of newly formed counties has gotten a right to offer postal services and print postage stamps. These county postal services lasted until the Russian Revolution of 1917 and succeeded in issuing 2427 stamps. Means made from selling of these stamps were used for replenishment of local budgets. Part of this money went to newly opened Museum of the Battle of Poltava. All in all 7 postage stamps dedicated to the Battle of Poltava were published in 1909 in Poltava.

Face-value 1 kopecks – Minnesmärke över de stupade svenska krigarna rest av deras landsmän nära byn Pobyvanka

Face-value 2 kopecks - Minnesmärke som rests av ryssarna till de stupade svenskarnas minne

Face-value 3 kopecks - Segermonumentet i Poltava

Face-value 5 kopecks - Minnesmärke över Poltavas fästningkommendant överste Kelin

Face-value 6 kopecks - Minnemärke på den plats där Peter I vilade efter slaget vid Poltava

Face-value 10 kopecks - Graven för fallna ryssar och S:t Sampsoniykyrkan på slagfältet

Face-value 15 kopecks - Peter I av ätten Romanov