Sunday, June 28, 2015

306th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava

June 28, 2015 Yesterday we marked the 306th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava. The scientific historical seminar dedicated to the famous Poltava photographer Josef Khmelevsky took place in Poltava Battle museum. Many unique photos taken by this artist of polish origin were shown to the audience. One of his photo albums was created in 1909 soon after the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava. There are many pictures showing Poltava Battle field and its monuments as well as the celebration in the presence of the royal family. One copy of this album is preserving in the War Archives (Krigsarkivet) in Stockholm. Those who attended the seminar were shown old photo cameras that were in use in the beginning of 20th century. There were many military men who came to Poltava from the Eastern Ukraine where the anti-terrorist operation is on its top. Besides artillery show organized by the local businessman Mikhail Mellin was presented to the public. Mikhail and his colleagues were dressed as warriors of the Swedish King Charles XII. They used a replica of three pound cannon to show how to load, aim, and fire before public eyes.