Many strategically important dams
and plants were dynamited by retreating Red
Army troops in 1941 after Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union. The
Dnieper Hydroelectric Station has been
mined in advance in August 1941 by 157th NKVD regiment. 20 tons of ammonal
were used by miners under the command of Colonel Boris Epov.
Colonel Boris Epov
When two German
divisions: 9th and 14th approached the city of Zaporizhia
the order to set the station off has been given by the Red Army high command.
The explosion has been set off at 20:15 August 18th 1941. American
journalist H. R. Knickerbocker wrote that year: “This
way Russians have proved now by their destruction of the great dam at Zaporizhia
that they mean truly to scorch the earth before
Hitler even if it means the destruction of their most precious possessions”.
The tidal surge killed many unsuspecting civilians, as well as Red Army
officers and soldiers who were crossing over the river.
These pictures were taken soon after the dam was set off
When Zaporizhia was taken by Wehrmacht,
it took 46 days for German military builders to repair the station. New
electric equipment was delivered from Germany in summer 1942 and thus power
generation was restarted. In 1943 the station was dynamited again by retreating German troops. The dam suffered extensive
damage, and the powerhouse hall was nearly destroyed. Both were rebuilt between
1944 and 1949.
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