Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Ukraine strongly condemns Moscow terror attacks

Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 09:46 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
Kyiv's police authorities have made a decision to strengthen security at subway stations

As Ukrainian News reported, the Ministry of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe of Ukraine reported about 35 people killed and about 70 wounded from terror attacks occurred in Moscow subway on Monday morning.
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 17:33 0 comments
Dozens killed in Moscow metro blasts

Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 17:16 0 comments
Putin Shows Little Interest In Azarov’s Gas Price Pitch

The European Union is wary of any friction between Moscow and Kiev in their gas trade, because 80 percent of the Russian gas it buys is transported across Ukraine. Previous disagreements between the countries have led to disruptions of substantial transit deliveries, most recently in January 2009. Some interest in the consortium plan — a reincarnation of an agreement dating back to the early 2000s — still exists, Putin said. If created, the consortium would have to invest heavily in the long-neglected pipelines, recouping the money by collecting transit fees. “If this takes shape in the course of a constructive dialogue, we, of course, are ready for this work,” Putin said. The European Union has estimated that an upgrade of Ukraine's gas pipeline grid, which is 10 years past its expected operational life, would cost 2.5 billion euros ($3.3 billion). The 13,500-kilometer pipeline network was built 40 years ago. Moscow and Kiev plan to hold the next round of talks next month, when their intergovernmental commissions will meet to discuss trade, Azarov said. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich is hoping to sign a deal revising the gas prices downward when President Dmitry Medvedev travels to Kiev in May.
“I am strongly convinced that we can find solutions even for the most difficult problems,” Azarov said after talks with Putin. In an attempt to reduce its reliance on former Soviet republics for transit of Gazprom's gas, Russia has pursued alternative routes in recent years. A separate Gazprom-led consortium is set to break ground Thursday for the construction of the Nord Stream undersea pipeline to carry its gas to Europe. Gazprom also has made considerable progress toward building another undersea gas pipeline, South Stream, later this decade.
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 08:28 0 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Russia agrees to revise gas contracts signed earlier, Azarov says

Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 22:17 0 comments
St. Petersburg shipwrights to change masts on legendary British battleship

Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 21:45 0 comments
Friday, March 26, 2010
National Bank of Ukraine has issued a coin dedicated to Pylyp Orlyk and his Constitution
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 20:55 0 comments
Yanukovych: it is necessary to review our notions about military threats
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 20:36 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Three manned BMD-2 vehicles have been successfully paradropped for the first time
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 15:44 0 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Two-ton Soviet made torpedo lost in the end of 1970s has been discovered in Sevastopol.

Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 14:23 0 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Ukrainian climatologists warn that the 2010 spring flood may be one of the most severe in the past 10 years

Environmentalists warn: if more snow is added in February, and warm spring comes quickly, we may

Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 23:26 0 comments
First Exhibition Of Works By Ukrainian Artist In The History Of The Louvre
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 09:15 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Unternehmen: Wacht am Rhein. The failure of the Ardennes offensive sped up the final victory
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 09:45 0 comments
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Joint Russian-Indian cruise missile project a success

Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 21:24 0 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
Ukraine president is purging Navy of disloyal commanders
KIEV, March 18 (Itar-Tass) - Ukrainian Defense Minister

Viktor Maksimov, who prior to his appointment to the post of Navy commander had been deputy Navy commander for six years, is known in the Ukrainian Navy as a man who contributed a great deal to strengthening of the naval forces, Yezhel said. The defense minister expressed confidence that Viktor Maksimov would do everything possible to enable the Ukrainian Navy occupy a worthy place both in the Ukrainian armed forces and among the world fleets.
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 14:32 0 comments
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Waffen SS veterans march in Riga

Waffen SS veterans march in Riga. Photo: EPA
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 09:50 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
New Ukrainian passenger aircraft Antonov - 158 to take off on Victory Day

President Yanukovych and Viacheslav Bohuslayev discussed issues related to development of aviation industry. The An-158 plane is a modernized model of the An-148 being extended by 1,700mm. It is capable of transporting 99 passengers at a distance of up to 2,500km.
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 21:04 0 comments
Unique exhibition in Poltava
Beads, the most popular component of a women’s breast adornment, are widely-spread over the whole Ukraine. They differ from one another by material, color, shape, and way to wear. A bead made of coral, amber, smalt, and transparent glass always ranked high. Coral beads were widely spread in Ukraine, although weren’t affordable for poor people.
Sometimes a neck adornment made of coral cost more than the whole country house or even the whole farm. A family jewelry in the countryside has been accumulating through the generations. Honored with three hundred years old fashion, these beads, and crosses have been inherited from one generation to another.
In 1940s all such countryside adornments have started to go out of fashion but nevertheless been kept by villagers for many decades, especially those made of corals. Nowadays old women’s adornments are booming again. This time they are becoming widespread as important attribute of the modern stylish clothes. Some of them were shown to the public in Poltava on March 16, 2010.
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 00:05 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
Ukraine does not face default, Finance Minister Fyodor Yaroshenko said
Speaking at a news briefing on Saturday, Yaroshenko said the previous government concealed that the state’s “financial system is on the brink of collapse”.
The minister spoke about the deficit of funding on the united treasury account under the premiership of Yulia Timoshenko. “The total scarcity of funds of the Pension Fund exceeded 25 billion grivnas (over three billion U.S. dollars). Only credits may save the country. And the government took credit by ignoring to understand what resources can help to pay credits,” Yaroshenko noted.
The minister informed on the work on a programme to stabilise the financial situation. “We have big experience during crises. All problems will be solved properly,” he added.
The Finance Ministry has pledged to pay pensions and wages in time. “We do not allow any breakdown in the state’s financial system. It is the matter of honour,” Yaroshenko stressed.
The minister added that the 2010 draft budget would be submitted to the parliament in April. “The draft budget will be submitted in due date – the beginning of April,” he said.
The government dismissed the leadership of the Pension Fund and the State Treasury.
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 22:36 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Mikhail Gorbachov: Perestroika Lost
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 21:48 0 comments
Saturday, March 13, 2010
New missile launcher to star in upcoming Victory Day parade

Learn more about Topol-M mobile ballistic missile launch system at
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 15:57 0 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
NATO military exercises planned as Baltic States hit panic button

Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 18:38 0 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Russia transfers 150 millions rubles to Ukraine for An-70 flight testing program
Russia send the financing on December 21 in compliance with a protocol signed in August 2009, which amends the 1993 Russian-Ukrainian intergovernmental agreement on further cooperation in the development, joint commercial production and commissioning of the An-70 tactical military-transport aircraft and An-70T airlifter, program director Mykola Vorobyov told Interfax-Ukraine on Tuesday. Besides, Russia plans to make 500 million rubles available under a state defense order in 2010 to the An-70 project, he also said. It plans to spend on the project a total of 2.4 billion rubles within next three years. Ukraine's state funding for the An-70 program this year was set at UAH 170 million from the country's stabilization fund. Only UAH 30 million have been disbursed so far, Vorobyov said.
As reported, Ukraine and Russia signed a protocol in August 2009, which amends the Russian-Ukrainian intergovernmental agreement on further cooperation in the development, joint commercial production and commissioning of the An-70 tactical military-transport aircraft and An-70T airlifter, powered with D-27 engines, which was signed on June 24, 1993. The protocol says that Russia and Ukraine will continue to develop and test the short take-off and landing An-70 military transport plane and its various models, including those for civil aviation, which are powered with D-27 engines. The parties pledged to provide budgetary funding for joint experimental and design work to develop An-70 planes, D-27 engines, avionics systems and materials.
The Antonov An-70 aircraft is a medium, four-engine tactical military transport aircraft designed to replace the An-12 in service within Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Air Forces and several countries all over the world. This airplane stands out by its short take off and landing characteristics as well as its ability to operate from unprepared runaways. This translates into the capability of operating from 600-700 meters of unpaved strips carrying up to 20 tons of cargo. The An-70 is able to carry military items weighing 35 to 47 tons at ranges of 3,000 to 5,100 km while cruising at 700 to 750 km/h. In addition to the cargo aircraft role, the An-70 is capable of air dropping paratroopers, vehicles or cargo weighing up to 21 tons at low or high altitude in support of military operations. The aircraft can accommodate a maximum of 300 troops and can cruise distances of up to 8,000 kilometers. It has been designed to operate from prepared runways of 1,800 meters long but taking its short take off and landing characteristics into account it can be servicing from 700 meters of unpaved strips.
An-70 Video
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 21:09 0 comments
Russian-Swedish talks in Moscow
Prime Minister of Sweden Fredrik Reinfeldt arrived in Moscow on March 9 to meet with President Dmitriy Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. They discussed the terms of Swedish companies’ activities in Russia. Mr. Reinfeldt comes with a package of projects on cooperation in energy, space exploration, health and social security. For the Swedish Prime Minister, it is the first visit to Russia. He was invited by President Medvedev when they met at the Russia-EU summit in Stockholm last November.
Relations between two countries have been clouded by the war conflict between Russia and Georgia that took place in August 2008.
Russia and Sweden are to will sign a number of agreements on the interaction between the countries' general prosecution offices, ITAR-TASS news agency reported. Some of them could be regarded as a step toward the visa-free regime between two countries to be achieved in the near future.
One of the sharpest problems that complicate a development of the fruitful relationships between Kingdom of Sweden and Russian Federation are violation of the human rights in Chechnya and Caucasian terrorists that have taken a refuge in Sweden recently.
Another important issue to discuss is connected with the fact that between 1991 and 1994 Russia dumped some chemical weapons and radioactive waste off the shores of Gotland.
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 12:10 0 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
“We had nothing comparable.” —Friedrich von Mellenthin (Panzer Battles)

Due to the large number produced, there are hundreds of surviving T-34s. Examples of this tank are in the collections of most significant military museums, and hundreds more serve as war memorials mostly in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. One of them shown in the pictures is preserving in Kharkiv.

See video about T-34 “Top Ten Tanks- # 1: The T-34” at
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 23:38 0 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
Kremlin - News Conference following Russian-Ukrainian Talks
DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Can I give a quick answer to that one? It won’t.
VIKTOR YANUKOVYCH: I went to Brussels because I was invited there for March 1, and to Russia on March 5. There was no opportunity to do it differently. I can tell you that Mr Medvedev is empathetic both as a man and as president; the first few days as president of any country are always difficult in terms of where to go, etc. So I am gaining experience. But as we used to say, all roads lead to Moscow and I came here on March 5. With regard to NATO. I have answered this question many times: as a European non-bloc-member country Ukraine will develop its relations with NATO in accordance with its national interests. And it will always be this way.
The whole article is available at:
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 01:11 0 comments
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Armoured Monsters of the World War I

The majority of survived Mark V are in Russia or Ukraine. Mostly they were sent there to aid the White forces during the Russian Civil War. On the photo taken last summer you can see one of them displaying at the Kharkiv’s central square. Another pictures were taken in Lugansk and Arkhangelsk (Russian Federation).

Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 11:59 0 comments
Friday, March 5, 2010
Russia - Ukraine relationship: hope for improvement?

During the visit, Yanukovych met Medvedev to discuss the relationship between the two countries and the stay of the Black Sea Fleet in the Crimean port of Sevastopol. At the press conference after the meeting Yanukovych and Medvedev vowed to improve ties and said that a Russian-Ukrainian inter-state commission would be formed as a "key element in the cooperation". The first meetings of the commission headed by the presidents will take place in the first half of the year in Kiev. Medvedev said that there were no problems in the relationship between Russia and Ukraine and it was important that steps were taken towards mending cooperation in economic, political and security areas, as well as relationship with Europe. Russian president also said that Ukraine is Russia's strategic partner in the CIS and that Russia is ready to support its interests "on different international forums, including G8, G20 and international financial organizations."
The presidents also told the press that the talks about the Black Sea Fleet would continue on the base of the working agreements reached in 1997. The current agreement on basing the Russian Navy in Crimea runs out in 2017. Medvedev and Yanukovych did not discuss gas prices, as many experts anticipated them to. Yanukovych had previously expressed intentions to press Russia for a discount. Ukraine currently pays $305 for a thousand cubic meters, which is almost twice as much as Belarus - $168. Yanukovych called the improvement of ties with Russia one of his priorities during his election campaign. He has promised to make Russian an official language, at least in some regions, to discuss the prolongation of the Black Sea Fleet stay in Crimea and refrain from joining NATO. However, Yanukovych might not be as undeniably pro-Russian, as he is sometimes made out to be. He intends to enter a customs union with the EU, which prevents him from joining the union formed by Russia with Belarus and Kazakhstan. Yanukovych refused to acknowledge the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia that Russia keeps lobbying for, saying that this issue should be discussed in the UN together with Kosovo's independence. During his electoral campaign he said he aimed at renewing of friendly relations with Russia and developing of partnerships with other countries and organizations, including strategic partnership with the USA and IMF.
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 19:46 0 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Ukrainian Prime Minister is dismissed
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 20:03 0 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
President Yanukovych: Ukraine reviewing honoring of Bandera
Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 10:57 0 comments
Monday, March 1, 2010
President Yanukovych leaves for Brussels

Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 13:04 0 comments
Ukraine wins no medals during Winter Olympic games in Vancouver

Posted by Oleg Bezverkhnii at 11:11 0 comments